Our 2024 Show season Trade & Clubstand info.

Below is list of our whereabouts for Show season 2024  This will change and more shows added/changed, If you would be interested in joining us for any of the below events please get in touch via email or our social media. 
We have a full pop up trade stand where we can set up at your event, fully insured - Certificates can be provided.
If you have an event and would be interested in us trading please contact us via email Inceptionthirteen@gmail.com. Include Trade in the subject heading so it will be responded to promptly. 

2024 Trade & Clubstand events

24th March - Crail Raceway The Big one. 
(Trade Only)

7th April -
 Ford Meet @ Squires.
28th April - Full on Ford Crail. (Trade only)

5th May - Sports cars in The park Newby Hall (Trade Only)

19th May - Inverness Performance show.
 (Trade & Clubstand)
Event Link  https://invernesscarshow.co.uk/
25th May - Ayrshire Motor show. (Trade Only)
26th May - Trade stand Full details incoming ...

2nd June - Bo'Ness Show 
(Trade & Clubstand)
Event Link   https://bonesscarshow.co.uk/ 
9th June - Bangers N Flash (Trade & Clubstand)
16th June - Yorkshire Modified Show ( Trade & Clubstand) 

14th July - SFOM (Trade & Clubstand)
Event Link  https://www.festivalofmotoring.co.uk/ 
28th July - Cruise Irvine (NEVER a one to miss) 

4th August - Aberdeen Performance Show 
(Trade & Clubstand)
Event Link  https://aberdeencarshow.co.uk/ 
11th August - Wheels In the Lakes (Trade & Clubstand)
Event Link https://www.wheelsintlakes.co.uk/
18th August - Horsepower N Handlebars (Trade & Clubstand)
25th August - Unity (Trade & Clubstand)

1st September - Scottish Performance Show. 
(Trade & Clubstand)
Event link  https://www.scottishperformanceshow.co.uk/ 
8th September - Accelerate  (Trade & Clubstand)
Ticket info - https://farmercopleys.merlintickets.co.uk/product/ACCELERATECAR

15th September  - Intake Knockhill
(Clubstand only) 
22nd September - Sports Cars in The park. (Trade Only)

29th September - Ford Meet @Squires. 
6th October - Best of the best Crail. 
26th October - Autoshow Darlington (Trade & Clubstand)